Trends in Employee Recognition
The People Matters and Rewardian study was designed and conducted with the objective to understand how leading companies in India approach recognition programs. The survey saw the participation of HR professionals from 180 companies across industries and sectors. The study has focused on three aspects of employee recognition programs:- Strategic Positioning: The placement of recognition programs in the value chain – their alignment with business vision and goals.
- Technology Imperatives: Understanding the role that technology plays in the R&R philosophy.
Impact Analysis: Measurement of employee recognition programs and their perceived impact at different levels.
The study showcases that recognition programs are an integral part of an organization’s strategy that should reflect the company’s culture, and also integrate well with the business goals and values. The success of any recognition program largely depends on the budget and leadership buy-in. And in 2018, technology-based platforms will act as an enabler for integrating the R&R philosophy for better impact measurement, transparent communication, and a more efficient process.